The installation, If I had a Bathroom, was created in a 16 ft rented box truck and existed in its full form for a total of 8 hours at The Parking Lot Art Fair in San Francisco.
After 4.5 years of moving approximately every two weeks while living as a guest in a steadily rotating queue of stranger's homes, I became very accustomed to making myself comfortable in other people’s spaces. During the course of this six year nomadic life as a live-in petsitter, bathrooms had struck me as a particularly intimate and revealing private space within a house. In an attempt to reverse the roles, I created my own intimate space and invited strangers in to take a seat on the toilet, don a ‘bathtub suit’ and recline in the tub, or peruse the assortment of personal items dispersed within the space. All while performance artist, Katrina Goldsaito strummed her guitar and sang with her sweet and soothing voice when the mood struck, as the resident unperformer of the bathroom.
A number of detachable items were velcroed alongside the tub for bath takers to play with. Conversations organically grew around the idea of home and intimacy.
All photos by Schmoo Theune